Mike Serrao Mike Serrao

A Look into Shotgun Chokes

The first patent for a shotgun choke was granted in 1866, however it wasn’t until 1969 that Winchester introduced the WinChoke for the Model 1200 and Model 1400 shotguns, and the choke system became a popular tool for shooting. Winchester’s Versalite Choke appeared on their Model 59 Autoloader about eight years earlier but failed to catch on with consumers. The WinChoke became the first widely popular, interchangeable choke tube system.

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Mike Serrao Mike Serrao

The Ithaca Gun Company: A History

The Ithaca Gun Company, famous for their war-tested Model 37s as well as their artistically crafted hunting shotguns, is a company that many shell shooting enthusiasts hold dear to their hearts. Ithaca Gun Company (with all their various business names throughout the years) led the production industry in Tompkins County (New York), especially during WWI and WWII.

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